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Front and back outlines of a medium sized body, eyes closed, no hair, chest indicated by a line. Dark brown skin.
pain chart body outline | By froggygolem.
Front and back outlines of a medium sized body, eyes closed, no hair, chest indicated by a line. Blue skin.
pain chart body outline | By froggygolem.
Front and back outlines of a medium sized body, eyes closed, no hair, chest indicated by a line. Yellow skin.
pain chart body outline | By froggygolem.
A glowing dark gray oval with a 1 in the center and one gray ray coming off it.
level 1 | By froggygolem.
A glowing teal oval with a 4 in the center and four teal rays coming off it.
level 4 | By froggygolem.
A glowinA glowing light orange oval with a 7 in the center and seven light orange rays coming off it.
level 7 | By froggygolem.
A glowing red oval with a 10 in the center and ten red rays coming off it.
level 10 | By froggygolem.
A gray glowing oval with multicolored blobs mixing in the center and ten multicolored rays coming off it.
mixed type | By froggygolem.
Front and back outlines of a medium sized body, eyes closed, no hair, chest indicated by a line. Medium brown skin.
pain chart body outline | By froggygolem.
Front and back outlines of a medium sized body, eyes closed, no hair, chest indicated by a line, ambiguous genital anatomy. Colors are: light blue head, orange shoulders, dark green neck, magenta chest, light brown arms, black elbows, light green sides, white belly, brown hips, light purple genitals, dark purple butt, dark blue legs, pink knees, red ankles, yellow hands, gray wrists, and bright blue feet.
pain chart body outline with colored areas | By froggygolem.
Front and back outlines of a body, eyes closed chest indicated by a line, no hair. Areas separated with lines and color coded as follows. Light blue head, light green neck, light orange shoulders, pink chest, blue arms, light red elbows, brown wrists, light yellow hands, light yellow green sides, white tummy, gray back, light brown hips, light purple butt and genital area, light maroon legs, light deep green knees, light navy blue ankles, and light gray feet.
pain chart body outline with coloured areas | By froggygolem.
A glowing purple oval with a 2 in the center and two purple rays coming off it.
level 2 | By froggygolem.
A glowing green oval with a 5 in the center and five green rays coming off it.
level 5 | By froggygolem.
A glowing dark orange oval with an 8 in the center and eight dark orange rays coming off it.
level 8 | By froggygolem.
A gray oval with a question mark in the center with colored rays coming off it with numbers 1 through 10 out of order on the rays.
unknown level | By froggygolem.
A speech bubble with a gray oval with a question mark and multicolored rays coming off it inside it.
what type | By froggygolem.
Front and back outlines of a medium sized body, eyes closed, no hair, chest indicated by a line. Beige skin.
pain chart body outline | By froggygolem.
Front and back outlines of a medium sized body, eyes closed, no hair, chest indicated by a line. Gray skin.
pain chart body body outline | By froggygolem.
: A drawing of a grey oval with a simplified yellow human standing inside, frowning and with jagged lines coming off of them to indicate pain. 10 triangular shapes or “slices” come out from this center oval, each labeled with numbers 1 through 10 to represent different pain levels. Each is a different color, with 1 being a bluish green, and the colors shifting as the numbers get higher through green, yellow, orange, and red, with 10 being dark red. Each slice also has a pair of cartoony eyes with eyebrows drawn on its thick end to show the expression someone might have at each respective pain level. The expressions start happy at 1, and gradually get more visibly distressed as the numbers get higher, with 10 having the eyes squeezed shut and crying profusely.
pain scale | By Plum.
A glowing gray oval with a 0 in the center.
level 0 | By froggygolem.
A glowing blue oval with a 3 in the center and three blue rays coming off it.
level 3 | By froggygolem.
A glowing yellow-green oval with a 6 in the center and six yellow-green rays coming off it.
level 6 | By froggygolem.
A glowing reddish orange oval with a 9 in the center and nine reddish orange rays coming off it.
level 9 | By froggygolem.
A gray oval with a question mark surrounded by multicolored rays.
unknown | By froggygolem.
A gray oval with a question mark in the center with colored rays coming off it with numbers 1 through 10 out of order on the rays all inside a speech bubble.
what level | By froggygolem.
